Glass Orchid is a nonprofit arts organization committed to supporting independent artists and writers. We provide grant opportunities, financial support and community sustainment to a network of emerging talents from diverse backgrounds.
Blake Butler
Gene Morgan, President
Amy Robinson, Vice President
Jenny Schlief Morgan, Treasurer
Megan Boyle, Secretary
The Molly Brodak Award for Bravery in Poetics is a no-strings-attached $10,000 grant annually to an artist of distinctively independent vision and approach. Recipients are selected by the Glass Orchid advisory board based on body of work and financial need.
Generosity from the following people made this possible.
Emmerich Anklam
Matt Anserello
André Babyn
Marta Balcewicz
Aaron Barker
Eric Beeson
Jessica Blankenship
Melissa Broder
Sommer Browning
Aaron Burch
Andie Chang
Paul Cunningham
Shome Dasgupta
Chris DeWeese
Drew Dickerson
Bobby Dixon
Juliet Escoria
Ashley Farmer
Ryan Ridge & Ashley Farmer
Nick Farriella
Zoeey Ghostly
Sam Glatt
Amanda Goldblatt
Mira Gonzalez
Johannes Goransson
Alex Higley
Chelsea Hodson
Gregory Howard
Lindsay Hunter
Emma Hyche
Kristen Iskandrian
Mila Jaroniec
Melanie LaBarge & Shane Jones
Anne-Marie Kinney
Luke Kokoszka
Gene Kwak
Catherine Lacey
Evan Lavender-Smith
Tricia & Jason Lockwood
Lorian Long
Dan Magers
Marzi Margo
Scott McClanahan
Hosho McCreesh
Molly McGhee
Jayne McGinn
Linda McNeil
Drew Mobley
James Wesley Moody
Calvert & Cassie Morgan
Heather Mundy
Gina Myers
Crow Norlander
David Nutt
Brian Oliu
David Queen
Eric Raymond
Stuart Ross
Mark Russell
Timothy Sanders
Anthony Santulli
Sadie Sayre
Michael Schaub
Prageeta Sharma
Philip J. Shaw
Ryan Shea
Amber Sparks
Mathias Svalina
Tom Torres
Andrew Weatherhead
Troy Weaver
Marina Weiss
Anne Yoder
Caroline Gormley, Logan Fry, and Matt Moore, of Flag + Void
Inside the Castle
Peach Mag
SF/LD Books